FUMC Arkadelphia 08-28-2022 Traditional Service

When invited to the feast, claim no exaltation: be humble in your hope. Take instead the lower place: your host may yet say, “Friend, come up!”
Do good works in Christlike love. Speak in kindly blessing: give thanks for what you have. Make your love a light for all: dwell righteously in God’s good grace.
When you give your own rich feast, do not call those like you with means of recompense. Call instead the sick, the poor, the outcasts who cannot repay.
Charity is God’s command. Gifts in great abundance call forth our love and care. Strangers may be angels, too, who visit us when unaware.
To the final holy feast all will be invited, no fee but simple faith. First and last shall be as one in resurrection evermore!

Please click here for the worship service bulletin.